Latest, local astronomy news…
Christmas Dinner
On Thursday 12th December members of PADAS, along with members of the other Lancashire and Cumbria Astronomical Societies met at Garstang Golf Club for the annual Christmas Dinner and after dinner speech. Dr Keith Robinson, PADAS Vice President, gave a fantastic and informative talk on the life of the late Professor Vin Barocas Director of Jeremiah Horrocks and Alston Observatories 1949-1979. Nicky Robertson was awarded PADAS George Gibbs Award , for her commitment and enthusiasm for Practical Astronomical visual Observing taking every clear sky opportunity even in the early hours of the night recording her observations, over coming light pollution she is the the most active observer within the society , also an active member promoting public outreach and nurturing future young scientists. The raffle raised £185 which was donated to Lancaster and Morecambe Cat Rescue, Keith’s chosen charity.

Sky at Night and Astronomy Now Magazines
Following our September meeting where Alexis Lopez was out special guest speaker, Nicky Robertson submitted some photos, including one of our youngest member Harry, aged 8 and our oldest member Desmond aged 98 to both Sky at Night and Astronomy Now Magazine. Both publications published the photographs in their November issues. Nicky presented both Harry and Desmond prizes she was awarded for her submission.

Thursday 24TH October
7.30pm-10pm Bowland Dark skies Observing in Partnership with BOWLAND ANOB & Bowland Pennine Mountain Rescue TEAM our hosts at their HQ
Smelt Mill
Trough Road
Dunsop Bridge
Access to toilets and refreshments, fantastic dark skies, PADAS will be leading the evening with observing with society telescopes , talks if cloudy, 30 members of the public attending , PADAS members welcome
Thursday 17th October
7.30pm Public Observing Night Jeremiah Horrocks Observatory.
Saturday 5th October 2024 Preston Astro Show

Preston Astro Show took place on Saturday 5th October 10am-5.15pm at Deepdale Labour Club we had a fantastic line up of guest speakers, Bar refreshments, Astro boot and raffle.
Guest Speakers
Prof Derek Ward Thompson UCLAN
Dr Simon Ebo, UCLAN
Mark Armstrong – Observing around the constellation of Cygnus
Charles Sloan – Walking on the Moon from my Back garden.
Ask the Astronomer, Panel of experts taking questions from the floor.

Monday 12th August 2024
PADAS members lead a fantastic session in association with Bowland Dark Sky this evening at the Dunsop Village Hall, Clitheroe. Around 30 members of the public and several PADAS members attended and were treated not only to clear skies and the Perseid meteor shower maximum but the recent solar storms provided onlookers with a great show of the aurora borealis too.

Thursday 9th May 2024
The planned speaker for the meeting this evening was unfortunately unable to attend at short notice but luckily PADAS member Keith Pearson who gives lots of outreach talks around schools in Lancashire was able to stand in and gave an excellent talk entitled “Are we alone in the universe?” With some mind boggling numbers which sparked some interesting discussions afterwards.

Tuesday 19th September 2023
PADAS members helped at the UCLAN lecture “Mission to Mars” with an Astro display. Unfortunately, the wind and rain made it impossible for any observing.

Thursday 14th September 2023
Following the AGM, Graham McLoughlin, FRAS, PADAS Secretary gave a really interesting talk on Dr Arthur Beer’s Vistas in Astronomy.

Preston Heritage Open Days
Jeremiah Horrocks Observatory, Moor Park, Preston
Friday 8th, Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th September 10.00 am to 2pm

Thursday 10th August 2023
Dr Joanne Pledger of UCLan delivered an excellent talk on supernovae.
The talk included Astro images from PADAS’ Andy Wellington, which were also used on the ITV news coverage of on SN2023ixf. See more on the link below.

SKY AT NIGHT Magazine April 2023
Regular PADAS meetings are held at Deepdale Labour Social & Bowling Club, 287 Skeffington Rd, PR1 6RX – here.
Public Outreach events – see our new dedicated page
Next Public Open Night:
Come along to our public observing sessions at the Jeremiah Horrocks Observatory on Moor Park. Every 3rd Thursday of the month throughout the winter, starting on 20th Sept. Hoping for clear skies to enable viewing through large and small telescopes. See you there!

Note that the next PADAS meeting is on Thursday 14th June at 7:30pm. Very appropriately our Hon Vice President Dr. Keith Robinson will present a talk on Summertime Astronomy, which will be followed by the Society’s Annual General Meeting. Hope to see you all there:)
Next meeting on Thursday 10th May will have Mike Armstrong talking about the early days of Radio Astronomy at Jodrell Bank – see you there!
Come along to our next meeting on Thursday 8th Feb where Prof Ian Robson will tell us about the discovery of the Cosmic Background Radiation (CRB).
The PADAS October meeting on the 12th has Prof Lionel Wilson explaining how large scale eruptions on the Moon aid our understanding of the Earth. Come along and meet the PADAS gang!
Next meeting is on Thursday 13th July and guest speaker Stephen Halliwell, a local Preston historian, he will be taking about Moses Holden, a Preston astronomer who gave public lectures on astronomy – a modern day Brian Cox.
Next meeting is on Thursday 8th June which will include a talk by PADAS Hon Vice President Dr Keith Robinson followed by the AGM. As usual, 7:30pm start at St Gregory’s social centre Blackpool Road Preston – here.
Next meeting…Thursday 13th April 7.30pm at St Gregory’s social centre Blackpool Road Preston. Our Speaker is PADAS Chairman John Hooper and he will be talking about the Messier and his catalogue of deep sky objects.
Thank you Dermot Gerthings for an excellent presentation and talk on your experiences being the UK’s ambassador for the Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rock. More details can be found here.
Next month, on Thursday 13th April, Graham McLoughlin will take us through the highlights of his research into the 1927 Total Solar Eclipse which was viewed from the Jeremiah Horrocks Observatory in Preston, but not by Graham…or so he claims:)
The next meeting is on Thursday 9th March and Dermot Gethings will let us about his involvement in the Apollo 17 mission…
On Thursday 13th October Professor Lionel Wilson will describe unusual volcanic features on the Moon.
After a long summer break PADAS meetings start again on Thursday 8th September with a talk by Mike Armstrong on Solar Eclipses.
Recent events included:
- PADAS visit to the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory (MRAO) on Saturday 11th June.
- Lancashire Science Festival, Thursday 30th June – Saturday 2nd July. PADAS are hoping to support the whole festival – see
- North West Astronomy Festival, Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd July – see
Look smart! Don’t forget to let Dermot know if you wish to purchase a PADAS Polo Shirt.
Don’t miss the transit of the planet Mercury across the face of the Sun on Monday 9th May. Public event in Haslam Park, Ashton on Ribble. The transit starts at approx. 12:10 and ends at approx. 19:30. Safe solar viewing equipment will be available to see this rare event. Observing starts at 11:30.
Haslam Park viewing location is here. As usual, ‘X’ marks the spot.

Next meeting of PADAS, Thursday 12th May – bring your ‘scope for help and advice on how to get the most from observing in and around the Preston area. Gain invaluable advice from the experienced observing and imaging teams.
Come along to the next PADAS meeting on Thursday 11th February. Professor Ian Robson will explain Super Cool Astronomy and how we explore the cold depths of the Universe.
Some photos from the PADAS Christmas Dinner have been added to our Facebook page – go here to see them!

Re-scheduled! Visit the PADAS stand at Stargazing In the City on Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 6-9pm. Unfortunately tickets for the event are SOLD OUT, but check this link for details. See the wonder of Preston’s skies though a range of telescopes, clouds permitting!
Don’t forget the PADAS Christmas Dinner and Dr Allan Chapman lecture on Thursday, December 17th.
Get tickets for the UCLan JHI Winter Lecture, Tuesday 8th Dec at 6:30pm – see here
PADAS featured in the April issue of Sky at Night Magazine.